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Is your trading account struggling??
Get the 12 little-known signals that Reveal the market's hidden intent... and give our traders the consistent win-rate they've always dreamed of
Watch the video to learn how to finally unlock financial freedom and experience living life on your own terms...

What is the Market Weather Report?

The Market Weather Report is my proprietary set of market "internals" that help our members know, with a very high certainty (about 85%), whether the market will be BULLISH or BEARISH the very next day.

The Market Weather is unlike anything else out there because we look at signals that the vast majority of market participants don't even know about!

We look at stuff like the TRIN, the SKEW, the Put/Call ratio, the VIX, the ADD, the Transports, and more...

In the MW Masterclass, you will learn how to set these signals up on your screen, using the right levels, so that you can read them everyday... giving you an unfair advantage in the markets for the rest of your life.

Limited Time Offer
We Don't Know How Long This Will Last
Only $27 
List Price: 2 Payments of $47 
Get Instant Access
For Only --> 1 Payment of $27
Press Play in the next 2 Minutes.

 Now Available For Digital Streaming
  Over 10,000 Members
  500+ Positive Reviews
  Endless Success Stories
We Securely Process Payments
(256-Bit Security Encryption)
Backed by our 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

Why Do Retail traders just like you Finally Find Success With Trade With Me Now... 

Even When They Have Tried So Many Other Trading Courses And Services?

It's simple, really. We did it by DOING THE OPPOSITE of almost every other training and service out there and completely AVOIDING these failures of the industry...

Bad system that plain just don't work. Ignoring risk management. Only BS trades without any reasoning for the trades. No support, no personal attention, no contact with the actual trader giving the trades! Losing too much on bad trades, winning too little on good trades. No plan for a market that reverses or chops around. No trading plan at all!

Enough is enough.

If you're tired of wasting your money on these faulty programs and continuing to struggle in the markets, make sure you read what sets TWMN apart from every other training and service out there..

These are the reasons why our members become consistently profitable, even when they have failed time and time again before...
  • Our members have the Market Weather Report. This powerful insight into the markets lets us know the BEST TIMING for placing our trades. If you're currently losing or breaking even, this one thing should drastically improve your win rate.
  • We have the 6-Star Setup... When you become a member, you will learn the set of conditions that must be present for you to take a trade. If you follow these rules, your results will become FAR MORE CONSISTENT.
  • TWMN teaches you how to be a REAL trader. Some services give you just the trades. Some give you bits and pieces of the puzzle, hoping to sell you more and more and more. We give you EVERYTHING you need to know, included in the courses listed here, to become a self-sufficient trader...so over time, you can even become a professional trader.
  • Our members learn proper "Trade Allocation/Risk Management"... INCLUDING, when to ADD to a trade. This is vitally important to know. Not only does it keep you from blowing your account out, but we show you how to strategically add to trades when they start to move in your direction... so you can bank more profits!
  • You get more hands on training and updates than with anyone else in the industry... Members get to join 4x/week live sessions, where I dissect the markets, give you my watchlist for the week, and even let you watch me trade LIVE.  You can even text me if you have a question about a trade! How's that for personalized attention?!
  • We have an active and helpful community... NEVER TRADE ALONE AGAIN. Our members love assisting new members with their trading. We have an active Facebook group, active live sessions, and our members even meet up to trade with each other! 
  • I am 100% dedicated to the success of my students. I work my ass off, week in, week out, finding the best trades for our members, answering as many questions as I can, improving our tools and customer support, and improving our systems for getting our members success. If nothing else, nobody in the industry works harder than I do and cares more than I do about GETTING YOU RESULTS.
  • Bottom line is, this system of trading WORKS. And the reality is, there are so many out there that DON'T. So it's absolutely possible to try 5-10 trading services or courses... and come up empty. It's not your fault. There's a ton of smoke and mirrors out there. Read the reviews of our service... and you'll see, we have winning formula, period. From the trading methodology, to the personalized support, to the trading alerts... If you want to be a successful trader, join us and you will quickly see why we have set hundreds, if not thousands of people on the road to financial freedom.

Get Access Now


 The Market Weather MASTERCLASS™
An entire Masterclass including a Basic Options video library, the Market Weather Report module, the 8-step trading workflow and the 6-star trade setup that raked in over $400% returns in 58 days...and a ton more!
 The TWMN Trade Tracker™ 
How to track your trades efficiently and effectively like a pro, 25 trades at a time. Our customized sheet does all the calculations for you and gives you the oversight you need to continuously improve upon your trading.
 The Custom Trading Plan For Pros™
How to create a custom trading plan just like the pros do. Even NFL quarterbacks have a playbook...a game plan for every Sunday that they follow. The first 20-25 plays are scripted and then they adjust at half-time. Create YOUR professional game plan and playbook like a pro.
 The Advanced Options Course
Learn the low risk, high probability strategies that gives TWMN traders incredible returns, month after month month. Once you've got the basics, step up to the next level of trading. These are the trade setups and strategies only the top-level professionals know about.
 The 3-2-1 Liftoff Indicator
This indicator is the foundational component of all the trades we take. It tells us the only TWO things that truly matter...when is a stock about to go from consolidation to explosion... AND in which direction it will go. This is my #1 tool in identifying the 6-Star setup. It will be your secret weapon... and it's included here as part of this package.
*Works for TradeStation and ThinkorSwim. (And we have a solution for TradingView as well.)

BONUS: How to "cover" the cost of this program RIGHT OFF THE BAT...

 CHECK THIS OUT! We have negotiated a special deal with TradeStation for our members only!

What is it, exactly? Here's what it includes...

1) A $500 initial deposit to open an account and get the TradeStation charting software for FREE. This industry-best software is usually $199/m.

2) FREE real-time data! (Once you open an account and deposit $500)

3) A 20% rebate on all your trading fees! The net cost comes out to only $0.48 per contract (vs. $0.60 normally)

You will get details on how to get this deal immediately upon signup.

This bonus alone will cover the entire cost of the TWMN Masterclass right off the bat!

NOTE: Trading on TradeStation is only available to United States residents. However, we have also negotiated a discounted rate of $99/month for anybody outside of the U.S. to use the TradeStation charting platform!

Disclaimer: Results like these are not typical.
...But they are frequent.

Get 30 Days Of Trade Alerts AND Live Sessions 
INCLUDED In This $27 Package 

  My Real-Time, 2-Way Trade Alerts

Trade with ME every day in real-time. You will receive my entries and exits of every trade I take as well as commentary on the markets as things are happening.

Our TWMN members are experiencing staggering success following these alerts along with our training.

These are the ONLY 2-way trade alerts in the industry! That means when you get an alert, you can literally text me back if you have a question and I will respond personally. That's the kind of care we put into getting our members results. Nobody else does this!

When you become a member today, we include 30 days of the text alerts as a bonus!
  Weekly Live Sessions... Including LIVE TRADING!

LIVE TRADING workshops every Tuesday morning!

We don't just tell you how to trade options successfully...WE SHOW YOU! Most every other company charges you an arm and a leg for this... but we include it free for 30 days when you purchase this package today.

Live Trainings on Wednesday night and Saturday Morning

2x/week we update you on the markets, analyze our positions, and reinforce key concepts for success... as well answer any questions!

Again, we include this for free for 30 days when you get the TWMN Masterclass package.
  BONUS: Live Training for Beginners every Saturday morning

We know not everyone in our program is at the same level... so we created a special session for people to ask BEGINNER QUESTIONS on anything trading or TradeStation-related. Also included for 30 days in this package!
  BONUS: All live sessions are recorded and uploaded to the Member's Area 

For you to watch at your convenience... and like some of our members do, watch 2 or 3 times! (Also included free in this package today.)
  Continuing with the Alerts and Live Sessions

Continuing with the alerts and live sessions after 30 days is optional and we do not auto-enroll you into that subscription. If you choose to not continue, you will undoubtedly still get tremendous value from the Market Weather Masterclass Program. You get to keep: the Masterclass Library, the Trade Tracker, The Professional Trading Plan, The Advanced Options Course, The 3-2-1 Liftoff Indicator, AND the TradeStation Deal! You can't beat that.

If you would like to continue with the alerts after 30 days, or the live sessions, it is just $89/month to become a "full-time member." As a thank you, we offer a discounted price of $79/month if a member signs up within their first 30 days. Most people do this within their first 30 days because they quickly see the massive ongoing value of the alerts and live sessions. And many people stay full-time members because it makes financial sense for them to do so. Just one winning alert can pay for your entire month's subscription! 


From Struggling Retail Trader To 
Confident, Consistent, And Profitable

That's exactly who I was... a struggling "retail trader".

By most measures, I was a decent trader, since I was making money some of the time and breaking even the rest of the time, whereas most traders lose money most of the time.

Knowing what I know now, it's really not a mystery why I wasn't as successful as I wanted to be all those years...

I was missing critical pieces to the puzzle...

I didn't have the Market Weather... 

I didn't have the 6-star setup...

And I wasn't a disciplined trader. I did NOT practice wise allocation and risk management. 

I blew my account out... not once... but TWICE! 

Maybe you've had a similar experience?

Or maybe you've just been beaten around and battered by the markets... and perhaps by other services that have over-promised and under-delivered... and you're pulling your hair out wondering WHAT TO DO.

I've been there!

And I got through to the other side... and this is how...

With the right system, the right mentor, and the right follow through... YOU CAN WIN.

You're here because you know having success in the markets is possible... or at least, you're open to that being a possibility.

You've SEEN other traders make money hand over fist... even make it their full-time living. 


I mean, doesn't it reason that you should lose to the fat cat Wall Street guys??

The answer is... YES!

HOWEVER... most of the participants in the market, like 97% of them... are NOT Wall Street, and they have no idea what they're doing!

This is the opportunity in trading. We're not beating other professionals... we're beating other CLUELESS RETAIL TRADERS.

If you're sad about that, then this isn't for you.

But if playing that game sounds fun and you want to be one of the winners, rather than one of the suckers who dumps their life savings into a trade they know nothing about or trades blindly without a plan...


Ending up on the right side of the market...

Cracking the code to the market... 

Not only is it POSSIBLE... but it's a veritable certainty 

You need to do 3 things...

3 things, that once I put them together... it was game over. I had all the pieces I needed, and I was profiting consistently like I had never done before.

You CAN win consistently in the markets...


1) You have the RIGHT system. Meaning, you have an edge AND a risk management system that won't blow your account out.

2) You have the right mentor who will support you... not only with knowledge and ongoing training, but with the emotional component as well (which is maybe the biggest piece of this whole thing.)

3) AND you commit to follow through.

If you're struggling... it's because of one of these 3 things is not in place.

Most of the time, it's not your fault. You've been trying to work a system that just doesn't work, or MORE LIKELY... you've had a mentor that's terrible at teaching it. That is incredibly common.

It's also 100% possible you came upon the right system and mentor (because yes, my system is not the only one in the world that works)... but you failed to follow through.

Bottom line is, you must take action. We can't trade for you. And if you're serious about making money from trading, this statement rolls right off your back because you know, it's just an obvious part of being a real trader.

Everything you need to trade like a professional is right here...

If you read/watch the testimonials, you'll see that.

We literally have hundreds of testimonials that we cannot fit on this page. If we tried, it would be totally goofy looking and the page would go on forever.

So the only question now is, are you going to stay part of the 97% who don't have a clue and just continue to struggle, week in, week out?

Or are you going to join the 3% of market participants who actually make a profit trading? 

We have taken the greenest of the green, never traded before people...

ALL THE WAY UP to people who have been through the gauntlet and traded for 25+ years... (but still haven't quite achieved what they've set out to do.)

And turned them into confident, consistent, and profitable traders.

We do this through our self-serve training courses, the 4x per week live sessions, the trade alerts, the personalized attention, our community, and our professional approach to trading.

So it really doesn't matter what level of experience you are, this course is for you.

Our members get up to speed fast... and they stay around because of the transformational experience that TWMN provides.

Trading for them is not difficult and confusing anymore...

It's simple and exciting.

They don't trade without a system or a plan or a predictable way to achieve goals...

They finally understand how the markets work, and they have a detailed, written plan for how to win consistently.

They aren't constantly struggling and taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back every week...

Instead, they are having fun because getting better at trading is easier when you're booking wins, week after week!

Will you join us and become one of our next success stories?

We hope so. Click the link below to get your 50% off link and we'll see you in the live sessions!

  This 71% Off Deal May Not Last

  Don't sleep on this offer... here's why... 

We have sold literally thousands of these courses for 2 payments of $47... ($94 total)

If you go to our main domain page, that's what you'll see.

And at that price, it's an unbeatable value.

People ask us all the time what the catch is because we're offering so much for so little...

But there is no catch...

[So... how's this for radical transparency...?]

It's just our business model to sign up as many people as we can.

We're simply hoping that you'll get a tremendous value out of it, and you'll want to stick around and continue to get value from our ongoing membership, which we talk about above.

That's pretty understandable, right?

And with this 71% off promotion, we're just testing to see if MORE people will take us up on our offer.


If more people DON'T take us up on this offer... we'll just close it and go back to selling it for 2 payments of $47. Or more. 

With so many people telling us it's worth far more than $94... and with inflation going absolutely crazy, ad costs skyrocketing, etc... shouldn't we charge MORE, not less??

Maybe we're nuts for doing this, maybe it's a bad business decision, we don't know yet. All we can tell you is that we're not sure how long this is going to last.

So in short, TAKE ACTION TODAY. If TWMN sounds like it will work for you too, take this offer. You may not see it again.

My Personal Guarantee...

At this point, we've had so many students of all different skill levels, backgrounds, and education, come through this program... that I can confidently guarantee one thing...

Success with trading CAN happen for you, no matter who you are. (We even have one blind member!) This program has literally proved it hundreds, if not thousands of times. Our methodology works and our training is highly effective. If you want to become a real trader, if you want to achieve financial freedom, you're in the right place.

Yet if for whatever reason it doesn't work or if you, or this style of trading isn't for you, or you just don't like the sound of my voice... just send us an email within 30 days of your purchase and we'll refund your money, no hassles and no hard feelings. 

You can even Sim or Paper Trade our alerts for 30 days to see if they're profitable! So what are you risking? In my mind, the biggest risk you take is letting this opportunity pass you by. So take action today... click the button, register below, and come trade with us!

Need More Proof?

Watch "The Challenge" video in it's entirety and see exactly how I did it, including seeing INSIDE my trading account...

Though results are never guaranteed, they are common for our members and are very possible for you...


Do You Have A Specific Question About...?

Alerts And Live Sessions...

What asset are we trading? What are the text alerts for? Is this Options?
Our methodology works for any asset on any time frame and can be applied to such. Having said that, the trade alerts are for Options on Stocks, for tickers that are traded on the NYSE and Nasdaq. The focus of the course and the live sessions is Options. We do an occasional stock trade.
How many alerts do you send out per day/week/month?
We typically send out about 30-50 trades per month (1 opening alert and 1 closing alert per trade). Some days and weeks are heavier than others and that generally depends on the market state. For example, there may be no alerts one day, but then 5 the next. On average it works out to 30-50 per month.

You can pick and choose which trades you want to take, you do not need to take them all to be successful.
When will I get my first trade alert?
When you register and download our app, you will immediately be registered for alerts and will receive the very next alert that is sent out!
Do you sell the alerts by themselves?
No… and there’s a really good reason for it. I used to do that. But then people would text me all the time asking - "what do you mean by this or that?" And I realized I needed to give them the training anyway just so they could execute the alerts.

Regardless, the cost less this way. We give you 30 days of alerts (currently $89) included in the cost of the training (currently $47 total).

This way you get the alerts, and with it, all the training and tools you need to succeed and follow my trades like a pro.
Are your trade alerts ACTUALLY in real time?
100% real-time! We never "front-run" our alerts. We text out the trade right before Michael takes the trade himself.

*Having said that, you are not guaranteed to get filled at the same price that is texted out. Sometimes you will get the same price, sometimes better, sometimes worse, often evening out. Stock and options prices move quickly and it does take a few seconds for the texts to get out. In the end, it is typically not a big factor in your results. Be assured, these trade alerts are as "real-time" as they come!
What happens after 30 days? How much is it to continue the alerts?
If you would like to continue with the alerts after 30 days, or the live sessions, it is just $89/month to become a "full-time member." As a thank you, we offer a discounted price of $79/month if a member signs up within their first 30 days. Most people do this within their first 30 days because they quickly see the tremendous ongoing value in the alerts and live sessions. And many people stay full-time members because it makes financial sense for them to do so. Just one winning alert can pay for your entire month's subscription! 
How do you signal the trade alerts? Text or email?
Starting in Feb 2022 we are signaling through our TWMN app! The push notifications are instantaneous. Our app is available through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in every country. You will need Wifi or data access to receive real-time trade alerts.

Trading Experience...

What if I don't have any experience with options?
You don't have to have any experience. Our Basic Options Video course will walk you through "boot camp" step-by-step. AND with all our supporting courses and nightly videos, we will get you ready to trade in a matter of days.
Is this good for beginners?
With our program you do not need any previous experience. We have an entire beginners course meant to take you from totally green all the way to pro trader. It is very comprehensive. We have 4 live sessions a week, including a beginners session, where you can ask questions. We also have an active community of traders who are willing to help. There will be a bit of a learning curve and it will take some effort to get up to speed but we have all the resources you need to succeed.
I don't have a lot of money to start with. Can I still trade your system with a small account? How much do I need to start?
Our custom trade alerts will tell you which trades are appropriate for a smaller account. Many of our traders start with a small account of $2000 or less and are able to build it up in a very short period of time.

We recommend people have at least $500 to trade with, with $2,000 or more being ideal, depending on which broker you plan to trade with.
This sounds too difficult?
Don’t worry, it's actually simpler than you may think. We've had people of ALL walks of life succeed with our program. We will show you everything that you need to know. In less than a few hours, you’ll have an understanding of the basics, and ready to start tracking our trades and testing them out on a simulated account. We have many members who start trading from scratch (never traded anything before) who are placing their first trade within the first week or 2.


Which trading platforms/exchanges/brokers can I use? Which platforms does your indicator work with?
You can use any platform or broker you like. If you want to trade options, that broker must have options trading and you must be approved for options (which is no big deal, sometimes you just need to ask). Michael uses Tradestation for his broker and for charting. We have a special deal with Tradestation which can save you far more in fees than the cost of this membership. Many members use TD Ameritrade ThinkorSwim for charting and their broker (though their fees are not as favorable). Our Canadian members often use Interactive Brokers for their broker and TradingView for their charting. You can use any combination that suits you.
Do I need a computer for this?
Charting will be much easier on a computer and could be possible on a tablet or phone. However, you don't NEED a computer to be successful with our trades. You could simply learn the methodology and place your trades on a phone. You DO need a phone to receive the trade alerts.
I'm from Canada or another country outside the US... can I still participate in this?
Regardless of what country you live in, you can participate in our trades as long as you have access to Options trading on stocks that are traded on the NYSE and Nasdaq. Canadians are encouraged to join and trade through Interactive Brokers or TD Direct!

The Strategy...

For your strategy... do you just buy straight calls/puts or do you use spreads?
Michael uses a combination of buying straight calls and puts, credit and debit spreads, and butterflies. Don't worry at all if you don't know what this means! We go through these trades in detail inside the members area so you know exactly how to execute them when the alert comes in.

If you're wondering if Michael uses iron condors, calendars, or any other advanced options strategy... the answer is no. It's just not his trading style, so he sticks to the strategies above that are profitable for him.
 Isn't it tough to trade in this kind of market?
Any market is a good market for us to trade. We make money bull or bear. Our strategies are based on a foundation of market internals...reading the overall market weather and analyzing the money flow on a daily basis. That is what directs our trades...so whether it's "sunny" or "raining," we know what trades to take. And so will you.
Is this Day Trading? Is this Swing Trading?
You can use our methodology for Day Trading and be successful with it. Having said that, the majority of the trade alerts are "Swing Trades," meaning we typically hold them overnight. This helps members who have less than $25,000 in their account stay compliant with Day Trading rules. The average trade is somewhere around 4-5 days. It can be as long as 30 days, and in rare cases, a few months.
 Does your system work for Forex, Futures, Crypto or any other asset?
The simple answer is YES. You can use Michael's methodology for any asset on any time frame and it will work. That means you can still get huge value by going through the training and applying it to whatever it is you want to trade.

Having said that, the training is focused on options, all of the live sessions talk about options, and all of the alerts are for options. In short, this is an options-focused membership.

Fees and The Membership...

How much time do I need to dedicate to this?
You can go through the course at your own pace. Some members complete it in a few days. Placing trades only takes a few minutes a day and can be done from your phone. We have members who trade with us during their full-time jobs. Being successful with TWMN is not time-intensive.
I'm from Canada or another country outside the US... can I still participate in this?
Regardless of what country you live in, you can participate in our trades as long as you have access to Options trading on stocks that are traded on the NYSE and Nasdaq. Canadians are encouraged to join and trade through Interactive Brokers or TD Direct!
If you're such a good trader making so much money, why do you need to do this?
This is a common question of anybody who teaches other people how to make money in anything... and the answer is similar. Michael doesn't need to do this. He makes plenty of money trading his own account but he started TWMN for 3 reasons: 1) Originally started because of the high demand from his friends or family to help them with their trading. 2) Because he loves teaching and finds it fun to lead a community of traders every week to success... and 3) Because it's a valuable service that makes money. It also forces him to be the best trader he can be, as he's now responsible for leading hundreds of other traders to profitability.
Do you accept Paypal?
Yes, we can now accept Paypal! Just check the box for Paypal in the checkout form below, choose your options, and then hit "Place Order Now". You will then be redirected to a Pay With Paypal page, where you can complete your checkout.
What's included in the package?
For this limited-time offer of 1 payment of $47, you get:
- TWMN's entire trading methodology, laid out in all the courses listed above, including the Market Weather Masterclass.
- TWMN Custom trade tracker
- Michael's personal trading plan
- The 3-2-1 Liftoff Indicator
- 30 days of texted trade alerts! (An $89 value)... Including the ability to text back if you have questions. Nobody else in the industry does this.
- 30 days of live sessions, including live trading on Tuesday mornings, and live training sessions on Wednesday evening and Saturday morning.

All this for a total of $47. There are no other charges or fees.
 Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes! Any purchase you make with us comes with a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. It doesn't matter the reason, if you are not satisfied with your investment we have no problem sending it back to you.

Just contact support@tradewithmenow.com. Our support team is very responsive and usually gets back to you within 24 hours.
How long do I get the Market Weather Report for?
The Market Weather Report is explained in detail inside the MWR Masterclass, that comes in this offer. We teach you how to set it up on your own screen and read it every day. Once you learn it, you have it forever. We don't report it every day, so there is no subscription fee for the MWR. Once you learn it, it is a set of indicators that you can have at your disposal for years to come.

*We just developed a brand new Market Weather Indicator! So instead of setting up the different workplaces on your screen, we coded it into one easy-to-read indicator. This is available to members once you purchase the Masterclass.
Are there any other fees? Is there anything else I need to buy?
The only other fees are from brokers when you place trades, or if you choose to pay for a charting platform. There are no other fees than those listed here on this page. We do not charge for necessary indicators, more training, or anything like that. For $47 one time, you get the full training, 30 days of the alerts, and 30 days of the live sessions, along with everything else. You have the option to continue the alerts and live sessions after 30 days. We do offer other programs and premium indicators but they are all optional.
Do you have a free trial?
Here’s another way we are drastically different from other trading companies and alert services…

No, there’s no free trial… BUT for an extremely low cost, you get to come in, have access to all the training materials, sit in on our live sessions and ask any question you want, and follow our trade alerts for 30 days. And if you don’t like it, it’s not for you, it’s not profitable, or any other reason including you don’t like the sound of Michael's voice… We will refund you your money, no questions asked.

Who else is going to do that?
Can I join at some later date?
That depends… Do you want to delay making money?

If you do want to delay your education and your prosperity, then yes, you can join later. Michael does not have any plans to restrict membership.

However, we can’t guarantee that the investment is going to be the same. Right now on this page, we are running a special promotion for 50% off. We may not be doing this for much longer, so you may want to act now to take advantage of that.

People are always telling us we should charge a lot more. But Michael likes to keep the price down because he wants this to be accessible to pretty much anybody who wants to trade, even if they have a small account.

Having said that, we do think we could double or triple the price tomorrow and it would be completely accessible in the same way and just as big of a value.

So yes, you can delay joining, but we're not going to make any guarantees that when you come back to this page that the investment will be the same. That’s fair, right?

But seriously, what are you waiting for? Tomorrow never comes. You can only seize today. The reality is that you’re ONLY going to miss trades if you wait to sign up. Why would you want to do that?
LEGAL NOTICE: The information contained on this page, ebook and website is solely for educational purposes, and does not constitute investment advice. The risk of trading in securities markets can be substantial. You must review and agree to our Disclaimers and Terms and Conditions before using this site. Individual results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are by real people, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results CFTC RULE 4.41 - HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY, SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN.