For anyone with at least $2,500 of trading capital...

Install This Dead-Simple Trading System And Start Making $200-700/day In 2024

Our unique SPX "mini-lottery ticket" strategy is changing lives. 1 strategy, 1 ticker, and 1 week of practice is all you need. No guesswork and no staring at the screen all day. This system will turn you into a consistently profitable trader in your first month or your money back!

Hey guys, it’s Michael Love.

I want to tell you about something new we’ve been doing… which has really shocked me in terms of the results it’s been getting for our members.

And if you know anything about what we’ve been doing at TWMN, you know that’s saying a lot, since we’ve already trained thousands of traders to become consistently profitable.

Our swing trading strategy has stood the test of time, with 70%+ win rates, month-after-month for years…

Our unique Day Trading Workspace gave members the edge they’ve always dreamed of. Some of our traders win up to 70-90% of their trades - insane. Many have quit their day jobs to trade full time, etc.

But even with the massive successes of our other strategies, members are SWITCHING to focus on this new strategy, sometimes exclusively. The reason might be obvious…

More winning, more profits, in less time… and even more consistently.

The proof is the sheer volume of eye-popping testimonials we have received in an extremely short period of time. Here are just a few of them...


In other words, while our previous programs worked tremendously well, the success rate of this system seems to be much higher, simply based on the feedback we’ve gotten. 

For many reasons, which I’ll tell you about in a minute, our members are able to take this strategy and dominate with it faster and easier than anything else they’ve ever tried before.

And the results have flat-out surprised us. We knew it was good, but we didn’t know it was this good. 

By their own reports, within just a few weeks or months, people are making hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per day. 

Some people are profitable immediately, and most within 1-3 weeks. 

And we even had one member turn a $2,500 cash account into over 6-figures in just a couple of months.

That is simply life changing for most folks.

These results are unheard of and that’s why as a company, we’ve decided to put a special focus on this program, so we can help as many people as we can achieve financial freedom.

We’re going to get to exactly what this is, why it works, and how you can get involved in a minute…

Just let me share with you a quick story on how we got here… because it affects all of us…

Something that rarely happens… happened. A brand new trading product was released onto the market. 

This trading product has quickly become one of the most popular and liquid markets in the world... and for good reason...

This product I’m talking about is SPX. Specifically, SPX with DAILY (0DTE) expirations, which recently came out in September, 2022.

SPX: In case you don’t know, SPX simply mirrors the S&P 500 index. However, there is no underlying stock or ETF, so you can ONLY trade options on it. SPX is a cash-settled “index options' ' product traded on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), which means at the end of the day, it literally settles in cash - no stock involved!

0DTE means: Zero days 'till expiration. So you can buy an option any time during the day, and it will expire at the end of the day.

This development was really exciting for me because I had a strategy that I had been honing for almost 15 years… but usually I could only play it on Friday expirations. Also, with normal ETFs or stocks, I am constantly risking stock assignment - which places the actual stock in my hands, in which case I have to sell it on Monday. No bueno.

SPX does not have ANY assignment! You cannot end up with the stock in your hands. That is a game-changer and it’s a big reason of why this is becoming one of the hottest markets to trade in.

One of the most powerful parts of our strategy is that you can literally let your position expire without needing to watch it or close it out. 

Not only CAN you do that, but it’s often advantageous that you do.

You can in other words, take the trade and WALK AWAY. Pretty cool, huh?

So once I saw this opportunity, and started to execute my 15-year old strategy onto SPX daily expirations... it worked even better than I thought it would...

So I shared it with some of our Legacy Elite members. (These are our highest tier TWMN members who get everything new, first.)

From there, it just caught fire, because I guess good news travels fast. 

What we are seeing since then is... members are trying it out, having a ton of fun trading it, and making unheard of profits (because let’s face it, winning money in the markets is a lot of fun).

More importantly, they’re doing it with the least amount of time investment, stress, risk, and guesswork… so naturally, they don’t want to do anything else.

Maybe they came in to swing trade options or to day trade stocks. But gradually, every week, more and more members are exclusively trading this new SPX 0DTE options strategy, which we call “Convert The Vert!,” or CTV.

In a nutshell, CTV is outperforming everything else. Nothing else out there even comes close. And members are noticing and acting accordingly.

I’m writing this letter so that you can get in on the action, if you are so inclined. I’ll get to that in a moment.

Before we do, let’s get into the details of what makes this strategy so special...

Here's exactly why our members are addicted to trading this strategy...

The reason is the same thing that makes this strategy DIFFERENT.

See, most people think the biggest problem with the Trading Education market out there is that it’s full of scams and most strategies don’t work.

OK, that’s definitely some of the problem. There's just a lot of stuff out there that doesn't work at all.

But MOST of the strategies being sold are just NOT worth pursuing, even if they are profitable. 

When you tally up the actual winnings, they actually just end up being a drain on your time and resources.

Even a strategy that grows at a solid 20% per year might not even be worth pursuing because it takes too much of your time to trade it, relative to the return.

And that’s part of the reason why so many of our members LOVE trading this SPX strategy, which we call Convert The Vert! (CTV). 

…Because it gives you the phenomenal profit potential…

AND the trading lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

It’s not enough that a trading strategy generates daily income and returns, which this absolutely can….

It also needs to be HIGHLY EFFICIENT.

Trading does take time. But do you want to trade 7 hours/day and make $1,000… or do you want to trade 1 hour per day and make $10,000? The answer is obvious, right?

Less time to make more money = HIGH EFFICIENCY.

That’s why our members do not need any convincing to trade this way - they love it from DAY ONE.

Bottom line: This strategy is the best "bang for your time spent trading" than any other you will likely come across.

It also happens to be very low risk and simple to execute. (Literally anybody can do this and it can be done from anywhere.)

Here are the facts of CTV (and why it’s so awesome):

  • SIMPLE: One ticker, one strategy, one week of practice. Our members become profitable faster with this than anything else, due to its simplicity.
  • ​You only need to trade it about 30 minutes per day, sometimes less.
  • ​You NEVER need to close the trade if you don’t want to. Buy it and walk away! That means fewer decisions and less time spent at your computer.
  • ​Super nimble. Capture small or big market movements and lock them in.
  • Trade at any time of day. You will have 6-8 (or more) prime opportunities.
  • ​SPX gives amazing tax advantages that trading stocks and other kinds of options don’t (60% of your gains are taxed as long-term capital gains!).
  • ​Low risk, high reward. CTV gives you asymmetrical risk-reward trades.
  • ​As we discussed, no assignment risk.
  • ​Generates “mini lottery tickets” that cash in big when they hit.
  • ​And most importantly, NO GUESSWORK. We have developed clear and simple indicators that show you “shifts” in the market… which help you pick up as many “mini lottery tickets” as you like… and get those “tickets” FOR FREE (or better yet, at a profit.)

This “mini lottery ticket” system is something special... you have never seen it before…

You haven’t seen it anywhere else because of one simple fact: I invented it. 

Not trying to toot my own horn here, it’s just the truth. This is different from any other options strategy you have ever seen.

What’s so cool about it is we grab as many “mini-lottery tickets” throughout the day as we can…

And when the SPX price LANDS in a certain spot, BAM, those trades can be worth big money. Just like a mini-lottery ticket. Doesn’t always do that. Sometimes it expires and gives you nothing. But other times it expires and pays you big. And you would be surprised just how often that happens.

Here’s the kicker though…

These options positions, when executed at the right time of day, with the right internal signals

Can be acquired essentially, for free.

Yes, you read that right - you can actually get these so-called “SPX mini-lottery tickets” FOR NOTHING.

Does that ALWAYS happen? No. Just a VAST majority of the time.

What other strategy have you heard of where you can get your options for free, most of the time? It doesn’t exist guys, I’ve been around the block for almost 20 years now.

But let me slow down and summarize what we’re doing.

We’re using our proprietary “Holy Shift Technology” to line up with certain predictable market movements every day…

Our proprietary technology is deadly accurate finding what we call "shifts" in the market.

And it is super simple to learn, you can pick it up in an afternoon.

It will show you these market "shifts" on the screen...

And when they appear, we execute our trade, taking VERY little risk…

Securing ourselves these mini-lottery tickets every morning or every afternoon (or both)…

And WALKING AWAY and going about our day.

We come back, check our accounts, and have been absolutely astonished to see 5-10x of our risk settled in our account. No, not every day. Maybe once a week, sometimes twice or even 3 times a week. But also sometimes, 200-300% return is in there too. 

Many days, we take a small win. Cool. We like daily income moving our account up gradually.

And yes, of course, some days we lose money. This is trading, people. I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you we never lose. That’s just not a thing.

But I gotta tell you, it feels damn good that once or twice a week when we hit it big. That mini-lottery ticket coming through is sweet! 

Now, just think about it.

90% of the time or more we’re getting these “tickets” for free or at a profit. That’s based on our 100,000+ hours in the trenches of the market, knowing what hours to trade, and what internals to look at. 

Then like 10-20% of the time this is hitting 3-10x.

So your head is starting to spin already with the possibilities but I’m going to be real with you… there’s actually a way for you to ADD to this strategy if you want to trade a little longer into the day.

For example... You can pick up 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more of these tickets at different times during the day.

You COULD do that. But you don’t have to.

You could simply get your one mini-lottery ticket per day, and walk away. Go have lunch, play with your family, go to work, sit on the beach, or whatever. 

Or you also DO have the option of closing the trades. I show you advanced strategies inside the course on how to max out that strategy. Again though, that is optional.

You just need to trade one 30 minute block per day. With the right time and the right signals, it’s like magic.

Sit back and watch those mini-lottery tickets cash big money for you.

Is there risk? There’s ALWAYS risk. 

You are never guaranteed to make money. There is always a risk of loss. For so many reasons, mostly user error, this may never work for you. I legally have to say that. And also, some people just don’t follow instructions - it’s sad to say. If you can’t follow simple instructions, just leave now because this is unlikely to work for you.

But if you execute this the way we teach you… this could be the last thing you ever need to be financially SET for life. That is not an exaggeration. We have members making obscene amounts of money with this strategy. 

(AND it is 100% scalable because of the amount of liquidity in this market. You could literally trade tens of millions of dollars with this strategy and not make a dent. That is how scalable this is.)

Want to learn more? Keep reading...

HOW does this work so well? And WHY is this so different?

3 main reasons:

#1) The “Time of Day Secret”

#2) Our proprietary Holy Shift Technology

#3) The unique Convert The Vert options strategy we’ve been talking about

Trading is all about being able to see what’s coming with a better % accuracy than the crowd on the other side of the trade.

We call that an “edge”.

Sometimes when you trade for 15-20 years, you end up seeing the same pattern over and over and over again.

And that’s what happened to me with the Time of Day Secret. 

I just kept seeing the exact same things play out almost every single day, at the same times of day.

I decided to make an indicator and plot it on my chart so I could start trading with it. The results were astonishing.

These times of day, where markets tend to shift and pick up speed… They are a game-changer for ANY trader. 

Once you see this secret, that is truly the point of no return… Suddenly you just see the light and the market will be completely different for you.

And when you combine the Time of Day Secret with our Holy Shift Technology, what happens is… you end up capitalizing on a stupidly predictable market movement.

That’s our edge. And it’s massive.

But then we SUPERCHARGE that edge with #3, Convert the Vert!...

Convert The Vert is my unique options strategy that, combined with the 2 secrets above, opens up a whole new world of profitable moves you never knew were possible.

CTV does a few major things for you…

  • Opening a trade is simple and precise. You won’t wonder what strikes to buy, how much to spend, which Greeks to look at, or any of the confusing options stuff that many people get hung up on.
  • These types of options give you superior risk management and make it very simple to calculate exactly how much you should risk on any single trade. This way you NEVER blow up your account and you should be able to achieve a nice, smooth, upward equity curve.
  • And when that “shift” happens, you CONVERT the Vert, lock in your profits, and get your mini-lottery tickets. (You will learn exactly how this works and how to execute it flawlessly inside my comprehensive training.)
  • ​Then you get to WALK AWAY! 

How many times have you been in a trade and you’ve second guessed yourself in terms of closing it? Maybe that’s every trade you’ve ever taken!

The reason this strategy is so amazing is that SPX CASH SETTLES at the end of the day. So you can just let it expire! There is no assignment and you do not pay any penalties to let it expire. 

(Another great perk is that allowing SPX to expire DOES NOT count as a “Day Trade”.)

No guessing, no second-guessing. Just buy the option and go watch reruns of Mad Men. Or pet your cat. Or drink some Schnapps. Or all of the above. Does it matter? No! You are free to do what you want with your day. You DO NOT NEED TO CLOSE THIS TRADE. You just let the chips fall as they may.

That is literally trading with 50% fewer decisions. 

When you have a statistical edge… making mistakes, whether it’s from emotional decisions or something else, will mess up that edge, leaving you wondering WHAT AM I DOING WRONG. 

(You’ve been there, haven’t you? We all have.)

CTV solves that problem.

Never having to close the trade takes away 50% of any possible mistakes.

Smart traders jump at the opportunity for that kind of edge.

Convert The Vert! is the most fun you’ll ever have trading.

Our traders are having more fun with this than anything we've ever seen before, hands down...

What does that look like??

Fun is when things are simple…

You’re in control and you confidently have the advantage…

The market generally does what you’re thinking it will do…

Your account is growing steadily day after day, week after week…

The community you’re trading with is helpful and ecstatic about winning together…

When you’re cashing in mini-lottery tickets with NO STRESS because you’ve already banked in profits for the day…

And when you’ve finally found a trading system that not only works, but gives you the freedom you’re after, and puts you on the road to financial independence. 

That’s what having fun with trading feels like. 

And we’re so pumped we can do this with our community everyday.

So if you’ve read this far, you probably want this. And you want to know how much it costs, and how to get it.

Easy, click this link and go to the checkout page. You can see the prices and purchase options. Buy it, study it, come to our special live room and get coached on it, trade it every day, get rich from it. It’s that simple.

When you go to that page, you’ll see:

  • Exactly what we are offering, including all of the training, tools, and support you need to crush this strategy. The CTV package is truly unbeatable. We’ve thought of and delivered everything you need to succeed.
  • A crazy amount of testimonials you can check out to make sure everything I just said is true. Like I said, our members are getting phenomenal results from this strategy, and they have no problem sharing their stories with you.
  • Our 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. The great part about our guarantee with this product is that it’s so easy to learn and implement that you will 100% know whether it’s working within the first 30 days.
  • The cost. Regular price is only $1295/year (which you can pay for in just a few trades) but we also have a discounted option and a special offer for those who act quickly. Click the link below to get the best deal.

The last I’ll say is, don’t miss out on this. This is one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. No B.S. I’ve been trading for almost 20 years. I’ve seen it all. We’ve been very successful with our other strategies. But I’m humble enough to know we can always do better. There is always a system out there that can be more effective, a more efficient use of our time, and get bigger returns, faster. We’ve been lucky enough to stumble upon that here. I’m super proud of what we’ve created and offered at TWMN up until now. Those offers are excellent and they’re not going away. People will always resonate with a certain style of trading. For example, not everybody is going to be able to trade during regular market hours, and that’s OK. Not everything we create is for everybody. But I have a strong feeling this program is going to dwarf the others in terms of returns per member. Do I know that for sure? No. Can I promise that? No. Every one of our people still does have to execute the trades. But the reality is, it’s already happening. From what I’ve seen in my own account, and what I’ve seen happen to our members who have implemented this… and also by sheer math and probabilities… When people make $40k in a single day and just started trading this 2-3 months ago... I have a very strong feeling. A very strong feeling. So, come join us. We’d love for you to be our next outrageous success story.

Thanks for reading,

Michael Love and the TWMN team

 Trade With Me Now

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