Our proprietary technology is deadly accurate finding what we call "shifts" in the market.
And it is super simple to learn, you can pick it up in an afternoon.
It will show you these market "shifts" on the screen...
And when they appear, we execute our trade, taking VERY little risk…
Securing ourselves these mini-lottery tickets every morning or every afternoon (or both)…
And WALKING AWAY and going about our day.
We come back, check our accounts, and have been absolutely astonished to see 5-10x of our risk settled in our account. No, not every day. Maybe once a week, sometimes twice or even 3 times a week. But also sometimes, 200-300% return is in there too.
Many days, we take a small win. Cool. We like daily income moving our account up gradually.
And yes, of course, some days we lose money. This is trading, people. I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you we never lose. That’s just not a thing.
But I gotta tell you, it feels damn good that once or twice a week when we hit it big. That mini-lottery ticket coming through is sweet!
Now, just think about it.
90% of the time or more we’re getting these “tickets” for free or at a profit. That’s based on our 100,000+ hours in the trenches of the market, knowing what hours to trade, and what internals to look at.
Then like 10-20% of the time this is hitting 3-10x.
So your head is starting to spin already with the possibilities but I’m going to be real with you… there’s actually a way for you to ADD to this strategy if you want to trade a little longer into the day.
For example... You can pick up 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or more of these tickets at different times during the day.
You COULD do that. But you don’t have to.
You could simply get your one mini-lottery ticket per day, and walk away. Go have lunch, play with your family, go to work, sit on the beach, or whatever.
Or you also DO have the option of closing the trades. I show you advanced strategies inside the course on how to max out that strategy. Again though, that is optional.
You just need to trade one 30 minute block per day. With the right time and the right signals, it’s like magic.
Sit back and watch those mini-lottery tickets cash big money for you.
Is there risk? There’s ALWAYS risk.
You are never guaranteed to make money. There is always a risk of loss. For so many reasons, mostly user error, this may never work for you. I legally have to say that. And also, some people just don’t follow instructions - it’s sad to say. If you can’t follow simple instructions, just leave now because this is unlikely to work for you.
But if you execute this the way we teach you… this could be the last thing you ever need to be financially SET for life. That is not an exaggeration. We have members making obscene amounts of money with this strategy.
(AND it is 100% scalable because of the amount of liquidity in this market. You could literally trade tens of millions of dollars with this strategy and not make a dent. That is how scalable this is.)
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